Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Visitation Rights

Guess who gets to see their PONY THIS WEEKEND??!??!
(technically, the horse, I'm seeing the horse. we saw the pony last weekend).


Not that there's anything (aside from an ocean, ferry and 2.2 hours) that keeps me from seeing her every day... but this weekend I get to go see the mare and pretty, kissable, gorgeous little nose.  (eek!)

I'm already in "make-up-for-lost-time" mode, and I fully plan on buying her love back with kisses, carrots and a nice thorough grooming.  I wonder if Cowboy Man will poo-poo me excessively treating her.. but I'm not sure he'll be able to stop me from spoiling the mare rotten once I show up...


Sunday is the day.  We found a killer piece of reclaimed maple that The Boy will be transforming into our new dining room table that just so happens to be out by the mare.  I jumped at the opportunity for an "errand" that both satisfies the requirement to "get things done" for the new house and allows us to just swing by and see the mare.

So happy. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of the lady running around with her herd (which she was turned out with all day today unsupervised) in all of her dirty, cowhorse glory.  Can't wait for a full update live and in person!


ps- look at the gorgeous soon-to-be-table! Everyone's invited over for dinner once I collect enough chairs do go around this beast...


  1. OMG that is going to be one kick ass table!! What kind of chairs are you looking at?? Have fun with Ms. Pia:)

  2. Have everyone bring their own chairs! haha lovely piece of wood!!

  3. I LOVE reclaimed wood! It's soon to show up in one of my kitchen designs as ceiling detail...from an old barn, how cool is that. That table is going to be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! what legs are you using?
    Enjoy the pia time, I'm sure you are missing her tons!

  4. Yay you get to see Pia and that table is too awesome!! I'm looking forward to tons of Pia pictures. :)


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