While we're on the sentimental streak... I stumbled onto a collection of pictures of Star (the ancient white pony)back from the beginning of our relationship.
They came from a box of photos from my Aunt's house, and as far as I can tell, they are almost entirely from the same day. They aren't dated, but based on the level of construction going on with our property (i.e.- FENCES) I think it was pretty gosh darn close to when I first brought Star home. Also, the massive-tack-whore in me realized upon further inspection that Star is (proudly) wearing her original saddle, but a new(er) bridle, and I am riding in giant-rubber-boots.
The first photo is me, my grandfather and Star when she was still a school pony at the barn I took lessons at. She was a
total hellion and no one else would ride her except for me (also a hellion?). I think this was pretty close to when I "bought" her, but I just LOVE my big mushroom helmet and it's super chic rain cover...
I was always SO proud of her |
As for the rest of the pics, they were the following year, and here's how I know that...
Star ONLY wore her
cardboard original saddle and the bridle that it came with (the whole package including a "girth", leathers and irons was a whopping $119 at our local feed store, tack stores were for rich people) UNTIL that Christmas when we got a new (extremely fancy)
raised snaffle bridle from the local
tack shop (see? fancy.) My mom actually suggested the purchase when she noticed that our cheapo-feed-store bridle was dying my pony's ears and nose pink every time she sweat. It was
not a quality piece of tack. Of course, even from the fancy tack store, there was no flash bridle in perfect pony size available, so we're sporting an only slightly ghetto flash
So I know it's after xmas of '93 (where we also received a super trendy green NZ turnout rug)... but before my birthday in '94 because that's when I replaced my
giant rubber boots with some actual leather field boots as a present to myself. I couldn't tell you who was president (ok maybe I could) or what I learned in school that year, but I can recite (perfectly) every horse related acquisition I ever got under the age of 20.
So, based on my tack-whore-calculations, these pictures were taken sometime during the spring of 1994. Which makes Star 20 or 21 at the time and I think she looks pretty darn good.
What other amazing thing did we get in the spring of 1994????
A super fantastic 1972 King two-horse straight load trailer. Complete with ancient rubber mats and plenty of rust. But the thing was cheap, and the fact that it was Blue & White (my self proclaimed cross country colors) meant that it was meant to be mine...
I compulsively scrubbed, blasted and repaired this thing... |
Star hated the thing though... hated |
Giant. Rubber. Boots. And yes, I'm riding in sweatpants (that.. is something that I do not remember |
Now for the fantastic arena that Dad built me all on his own. When we were done with it, it had gorgeous flower beds terraced in at the short end, fencing (duh) and good enough lights to jump long after the sun went down. But, this is it's infant stage, though clearly I didn't care.
(Star was also skeptical of this place where she had to do dressage sometimes..) |
The woods beyond the ring is where we built all of our homemade
deathtraps cross country fences. I still have dreams every once in a while about galloping through them on our little trails...
We looked like this a lot in those early years... |
But she could still jump the moon. |
Annnnd... a few more just for good measure (and because I have them)
Getting ready in the barn (also built by Dad) |
See, ghetto flash attachment, but no dyed ears/nose |
Standard Pony Expression (SPE) |
And my brother would
shoot me if he knew I ever let this photo see the light of day again.. but I can't resist a good old fashion Holiday Photo with the PONY!!!!! This is just before we got that new bridle.. note, no flash attachment, and I can assure some dyed pink ears under that santa hat...
bahahahaha, none of us look good here.. but look how happy dad is with his pitchfork! I think this was his favorite holiday card ever.... |
Such amazing memories with that little beast and that little farm. I learned so much on those few acres.
I love this picture of us <3 |
As for the rest of that stuff.. the giant-rubber-boots have been long gone, the cardboard original saddle is still in my garage, and the crappy, old, leathers are still my favorite to jump with - and in fact have been used in every show of my life.. how they haven't disintegrated in the rain.. I have no idea. The bridle went with Star up to her retirement fields and that massive mushroom helmet was thrown out after I hit a tree while galloping around in the woods (whoops).
Aw. You were so adorable. Star looks like a lil' champ.
ReplyDeleteOh, and when I was saddle shopping (at 15, rather than 9) Dad thought it would be a really bad idea to buy the $120 complete tack set. Common sense ftw!
She's so cute! I love the Christmas picture :) Its nice to get some history on her (and you) as well.
ReplyDeleteThose are great old pictures! I'm super impressed you not only remember all your old tack but where it all ended up. I've only had my horse for 5 years and I've already lost track of the number of paddock boots I've gone through.
ReplyDeleteWow, a barn AND an arena? Sooo lucky. I could barely get riding lessons out of my parents when I was 9. And I had to build my own barn this year!
ReplyDeleteStar sure is a cute little booger, and you guys were awfully adorable together.
This whole post is awwwwwww. Adorable! Star looked awesome for a pony that old. I never would have guessed. You two were cute. I loved seeing your trailer and arena, etc. :)