Friday, March 13, 2015

Two Steps Forward....

and a bit of stall rest back. 

I was *really* hoping for an all clear from the vet, and was looking forward to giving Prair some well deserved turnout...  But alas.  Not yet. 

She was stepping a tad short on the left when trotting a tight circle on hard ground.  It could be as innocent as some inflammation back in the coffin joint from all the work and the haul - or it could be some strain on that DDFT again...

Either way Prair isn't getting the turnout she wanted, and instead we're easing up for 10 days and just enjoying some long walks under saddle.  We'll reevaluate next Friday and see if she's still sore.  If yes, then.... well I don't know.  If no, then back to work (staying at 2'6") and maybe a week or two of showing in April. 

Not what I was hoping for, but a reasonable outcome.  Vet wasn't super concerned and seems to think this should be a small respite, not a huge change of direction in our rehab process. 

Still, sad face.  Poor mare wants a paddock. 


  1. D'awh poor Prair :( Hopefully she can be running in the fields here soon!

  2. Better to be pro-active! Hope it is just minor!

  3. Darn. Well, only 10 days at least. Sending vibes for fast healing.

  4. {{{{{{{Healing Vibes}}}}}}} for Prairie!

  5. Awe P mare! If she has to rest again, check out the Amazing Grace toy. It entertains Olivia for hours with carrots in it. Weird looking...but entertains her so what do I care?? Will be thinking of her!

  6. Get well soon Prairie - healing vibes being sent from Europe! Glad the vet isn't overly concerned and hopefully Prair can get some overdue paddock time in 10 days

  7. Bummer!! Hopefully she's feeling 100% asap!!

  8. Poor girl! Hopefully it's a quick layup then she can hang out in the pasture all day long :)


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