Thursday, January 10, 2013

Twin Beaks

One of my favorite pictures of Pia was taken by Supermom back in September of 2010.  You wouldn't know it was Pia unless you spent a lot of your afternoons kissing her muzzle, since the shot was just of her cute little beak - but there's something about it that I love.  It's been the wallpaper on my phone ever since. 

Then, last weekend, Supermom got a similar shot of Prairie's (big) beak and it turned out fabulously.

So I present to you, Twin Beaks:

So kissable.


  1. Love! These are great pictures!

  2. I'm glad someone else thinks that horse noses are cute. My husband just doesn't understand...

  3. Love that second picture, it looks like you caught her in mid-sneeze.

  4. Oh my gosh! I LOVE the pictures!! Too cute! Thanks for sharing. ^.^ <3 <3


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