Monday, July 22, 2013

Washington Emerald Classic - In the books

If I am suffering from a severe horse show hangover, it is because the week was full of fabulous rides, weather and an overall wonderful week of horses and showing and hanging out with horse-showing-peeps.

Prair was a star.  She is continuing to settle and mature at every show and this one was no exception.  We opted to haul in the night before schooling day to have the horses that much more "settled" and I think it helped.  If nothing else it kept me from feeling too frazzled trying to get everything set up and unpacked while trying to get Prair calm and happy and moved into her new home for the week.

I'll get a blow by blow up here shortly, but the ribbons speak for themselves.  Prair came home with a Championship in her Open 2'9" division, Reserve in the Pre-Greens, and Champion with me in our Pre-Adult Hunter.  You'll note a decided lack of tri-color in the Eq division.... which I'll talk about later (whoops!!!).
Pretty Bird.
Most importantly Prair was a much calmer, happier horse ringside - and in our courses I was actually able to add leg to almost all of our fences.  I think we might actually be learning! 


  1. I can't wait to read more! You guys look lovely and glad everything was super positive!

  2. Ahh! Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear more about your fantastic show!

  3. Very fun! So sad you didn't get a FOURTH tri color at the show. :p Looking forward to the recap.

  4. Yay, you look lovely together :)

  5. Yay!!! Looking forward to hearing more.

  6. Congratulations! Praire is becoming quite the hunter mare. How fun!

  7. Yay!!! Can't wait to hear the details!! :)

  8. That's great! Prairie looks like she was born to wear ribbons ;) Can't wait to hear more!


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