Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Like a Hole in My Head

Is about how badly I "need" another saddle. 


I mentioned earlier that Prair has been a superstar and my balance has been way (way way way way way way way) better in S's Mom's saddle (SMS?).  It was purchased for a (giant) PMU baby who had a broad back but surprisingly high wither.  Also, S's Mom is about my height with the same mutant-long-femur which makes finding a saddle that fits moi a tricky business. 

Since S's Mom is currently horseless she is (generously) allowing me the use of her (essentially new) CWD.  I am totally in love, and quickly started scouring the internet for anything resembling the build of her saddle.  I can find bits and pieces well enough (seat size, long flap, chocolate leather..) but I cannot (cannot) find the deeper gussets which fit Prair's back like a freaking glove.  I know this means I'll end up purchasing a new CWD (ouch) and then waiting forever for it to show up at my doorstep.  S has her own CWD with a standard panel, and it really does need a bump pad to fit it correctly.  My thinking is that if I'm spending $3k on a used saddle, I really don't want to be shimming it up with pads.... and so the hunt continues.
The closest thing I can find to SMS
Two nights ago I did my best perfect-housewife impression, dutifully pouring The Boy a cocktail when he got home and asking all about his day before coyly mentioning that perhaps Prair really wants a new saddle. 

"oh, does your current jump saddle not fit well?"

(points for knowing that saddles have to "fit" and also that I was discussing a "jump" saddle...)

I explained that while it fits Prair fine it seems to tip me back and makes it hard for me to keep my leg forward and underneath me, which in turn throws her off balance which starts a tug of war which makes everything less fun...

"oh.  well then you should probably get a new saddle."

(This is another example of how I am wildly lucky that my husband doesn't find redundant tack a "wasted" purchase. Frankly, he's so excited about Prairie doing a derby that if we needed a diamond encrusted trailer to take her there he might consider it.)

The downside of this blind support is that I end up being the one who has to rationalize the expense of such purchases and figure out what actually makes sense.   Some would call this skill "self control" though I wouldn't because I don't really know what that is (ergo, we have a problem).

Anyway, I made an appt with our local rep for next week (see? no self control in sight).  God save me if I order another saddle to suit (which would be the third in as many years...*smack*) But at least I have a few saddles I could sell to offset the cost (a little?). 

I should sell my Prestige, although I love it.  The fact is that doesn't fit Prair correctly and it still has a decent market value.  It's also only been ridden in for about 6 months since after ordering it for Pia we stopped working in an arena.  (2011, 18" Optimax, post upgrades to the tree and panel and 34 tree..).  It does fit Gus nicely.  But I don't think Gus needs it.  At least not until I use him for my Bronze Medal. (teehee)

I could sell my Hastilow, but I'd like to keep a dressage saddle (for my supposedly dressagey horse) and it does actually fit Prairie.  Plus it's potential resale is much lower which is less helpful in the pursuit of the elusive perfect CWD.

I could also sell my Pessoa, which is the current jump saddle.  I still like it, but since it has even less resale value than the Hastilow (It also had a much lower initial price).  I wouldn't mind keeping it as a second saddle for Gus or whoever, especially since I have the M, MW and W gullets already.  But it is essentially brand new and I would easily sell it if someone asked.  I will say that I have been super pleased with the quality given the price point... I think it's just a little too forward and a little too deep for what I need..

I also have my ancient Klimke Dressage saddle which was originally purchased for $900 back in 2000 and is the only thing that (sorta) fits Pia decently at the moment (also it's currently up with her, which makes it harder to sell).

Wow.  nothing makes me feel like more of a saddle hoarder than listing them all together.. Eeeesh.  I guess the good news is I'm not nostalgic about anything but the Klimke (cute star the wonder pony..) and since it's worth the least in terms of trade ins I guess that's a good thing. 

Time to get on eBay I guess....


  1. LOVE my CWD! And it didn't take anywhere near as long as they said it would to arrive.

  2. Oh god.. saddle shopping. I never realized how LUCKY I got with mine, I appreciate it every day now when I read saddle posts. D:

  3. Dang... I'd just like to be able to afford one good quality, nicely fitting saddle... you truly live an enchanted life! You're very lucky!

    1. Key words there being "nicely fitting." I love all of them (obviously) but the Hastilow is really the only saddle that fits both Prairie and Me well... which means it's time to move some of the inventory that doesn't...

  4. Wow. You have a lot of saddles. I agree with Stephanie. It would be nice if I could afford just one really nice saddle at this point. In fact, I risked my life and saved my Western saddle from a collapsing barn. That's how cheap I am.

  5. What a good hubby!!! :)

    Happy saddle searching!!

  6. Ebay is my faaaaaaaaavorite for saddle shopping. Good luck!

  7. Sell all the ones that don't really fit - the longer they sit around, waiting for a 'maybe it will fit' the less you'll get for them. You are particular about your saddle fit (and that isn't a bad thing) but it does mean that you're less likely to be satisfied with a saddle that isn't right, so why keep the others around.
    (Dee - because google thinks I'm unknown)

    1. Totally true. I'm not even consciously "saving" them, I just haven't been proactive about selling. But if a CWD (or anything similar) is in the cards, selling one or two is a must.

  8. Bahaha, sorry but it makes me feel better about how much tack I have when I see that you have more saddles than me! I too hate saddle shopping, but I really wish I could get another jump saddle, but unfortunately can't afford my dream saddle and I don't think I could settle for anything less. I will live vicariously through you, I hope you find something that works! CWD's are amazing.

  9. Oooh. I actually only own two right now, but am passively shopping for #3. Srsly. Passively. I haven't obsessively researched anything yet.

    I vote yes to cwd. They are amazing. Plus, since I seem to acquire your castoffs, the future is looking bright. :p

  10. Oh saddles, I currently have (I cannot believe I am admitting this) SIX. I ride in...TWO.

    1. We can start a Tack Anonymous group. Though that would probably lead to us reinforcing our own bad habits... lol.

  11. Wow saddles! For some reason I thought the Prestige was custom for Prair but I guess I read wrong. Hope that your fitting goes well. Your hubby seems AWESOME!!! :)

    1. The Prestige was custom for Pia, and realistically my entire experience with that was bad. She was a MW, the saddle was built as a W and then after all her bodywork she settled as a Med-narrow... UGH. sad sad sad... I adore how I sit in the saddle, which is probably why I haven't been able to part with it yet.

  12. Your OH sounds like a godsend - I needs to find me one of them, preferably with lots of dosh while I'm looking for the improbable! ;-)
    Best of luck with the saddle search, it can be painful but if you already know what suits both yourself & Prair that is half the battle!
    I'm half saddle searching for the youngster, my dressage saddle fits her well enough but I'd like a GP so that we can jump & do more hacking, but I know she is going to change shape so much that I am putting off the splurge until I have to - shame!
    When they go out for the summer I'll have a bit more cash to play with also as I won't be paying as much on livery - so we'll see what changes the summer can bring! ;-)
    Lovely collection of saddles there!
    I have even more envy of you right now! :p

  13. My brain 'sploded.
    SO many saddles, holy shenanigans batman!

  14. How much would you ask for the Pessoa? :)

  15. How much would you ask for the Pessoa? :)


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