Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Plans. Made.

(brow wipe).

Things continue to march forward.  After mulling over all the pros and cons and more pros, and more cons of the options for Prair, I finally settled on sending the mare to the trainer I know, at the barn far, far, away.  For the record I am much more decisive on these issues when I'm allowed my regular ration of wine.  Mulling over decisions with a cup of lemon tea or apple juice just isn't as... awesome.

I really appreciated everyone's comments and found it helpful to hear how other folks would balance the considerations, even though I know everyone has slightly different priorities.

What it came down to for me was just peace of mind.  Regardless of how far away the mare is, I had to acknowledge that there will be more days where I don't see her than when I do, and if I'm not 100% comfortable and confident in the team and her surroundings, then I'm going to be a freakazoid and no one likes anxious freakazoids, especially me. 
Because I like this picture.  Not relevant to content.
So, we'll likely move the mare after Christmas, but before the New Year, which gives me a little bit more time to enjoy her being so close to home before she goes into boot camp to get ready for THERMAL

We're still going. 

I'm hoping I can ride.  Right now I can't imagine that being a problem, but you never know... I guess either way, Prair will go get some miles and some sunshine and it'll be a good start to the new routine.

In other pony news, Gus continues to look awesome.  I'm wondering how much of that is the continued colder weather and reducing his inflammation further.. whatever it is, it's just so nice to see him perky and back to his uphill, floaty, lovely self.  That horse is just too much fun.


  1. Glad you came to a decision, and I think its a sound one. Either way you are about to have some major life changes, and I agree ,they are harder without wine ;)

  2. Big decisions like this are always tough... but one thing that always makes me feel better is reminding myself I can change my mind. But I agree -- peace of mind is key, especially when it comes to my pony!

  3. Exciting! Sounds like a good call. :) You have to trust the trainer, especially since you won't have the time to oversee every detail. Glad you are having fun now and SUPER EXCITED FOR THERMAL!!

  4. Yay! Peace of mind in the program that your pony is in while you are out of the saddle is 100% priceless!!

    SO EXCITED for Thermal!

  5. I'm glad you were able to make a decision that gives you peace of mind! Personally that's what I would have chosen too, but I've never boarded a horse so I didn't really feel qualified to chime in lol. I can't wait to read all about Thermal!


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